Chris Casconi

Chris Casconi is Director of Sales at Teamwork Events, a full-service trade show, event, exposition and exhibit services company.
“We bend over backward to make our clients happy.”
How many times have you heard that saying? And what does it really mean?
Assigning actions to these words is vital to a company’s success. At the end of the day, after the work is done and the event is over, people don’t remember the technology or equipment you provided, they remember how they were treated. That’s why it’s so important to make customer service a priority.
In my experience with Teamwork, customer service is the root of everything we do. It’s one of the reasons that attracted me to the company in the first place. I value all the relationships I have with people, whether it’s professional or personal.
Here are five ways we incorporate superior customer service into our day-to-day interactions:
1. Show up.
Whatever happened to people waiting at the airport for out-of-town clients? Yes, there’s Uber and Lyft, but we like to just go ourselves! We see that as a valuable opportunity to get to know our client. Take advantage of that time. When arranging the clients’ visit, we make sure to ask the client if they’ve ever been to that city before. If the answer is no, we share the team’s insider tips and recommendations. Ultimately, having a familiar face in a new city will make them feel much more at ease.
2. Be flexible.
Everything we provide at Teamwork has been implemented organically and hinges on the request of our clients. Back in the day, we became a general service contractor when someone asked us to. It’s important to stay agile in services and offerings. Pivoting roles when necessary is a great way to maintain a competitive edge.
3. Take initiative.
Before a big event, we take the time to call any key players on the phone to confirm everything. This helps to alleviate stress on the day-of. For instance, we make sure someone calls every single exhibitor attending our show in order to make sure they have everything they need to successfully exhibit. Some companies may choose to do this from time to time, but I think it should be routine.
4. Get creative.
There’s more to a client gift than a mug. Consider putting together a little survival kit on the morning of an event with things like 5-hour Energy or Emergen-C. This is a fun way to show the client that you’ve got their back and you’re in this together.
5. Invest in the team.
Happy employees equal happy clients! Show your team the same respect and appreciation that you would show a client. We set our employees up for success by providing them with in-depth training sessions on all the latest industry trends. Having team members build something together before an actual event is a great way to make sure everyone feels comfortable and confident in what they’re doing.
It’s these little things that separate a good company from a great company – especially in our industry when so much is based on genuine relationships. It may sound like a cliché but I truly believe that the success Teamwork has seen over the last 30 years is related to our exceptional customer service. At the end of the day, being thoughtful has no extra cost and yet it adds so much value.
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