ASAE Reveals Annual Meeting Host Cities from 2018 to 2022

The American Society of Association Executives has named the host cities where its ASAE Annual Meeting & Exposition will be headed 2018-2022.
The meeting attracts thousands of association executives and hundreds of exhibitors each year, and also it’s the flagship education and exposition for associations and nonprofit organizations in the United States.
In 2018, the meeting will head to Chicago, followed by Columbus, Ohio, in 2019, Las Vegas in 2020, Dallas in 2021 and Atlanta in 2022.
Next year, the Annual Meeting & Exposition will go north of the border to Toronto.
“Congratulations to the cities selected for our 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 ASAE Annual Meeting & Expositions. We had seven cities that were finalists in our selection process, and each one did a fantastic job,” said ASAE President and CEO John H. Graham, IV, FASAE, CAE.
He added, “The proposals submitted by the winning cities exceeded our expectations. Looking forward to growing our partnerships with the respective convention and visitors bureaus in the coming years as we plan exciting and engaging meetings.”
Among the association executives who attend the ASAE Annual Meeting & Exposition are those who select destinations for their own organization’s meetings and events.
It is estimated that 20 percent of the delegates who attend the meeting book their own conventions in the host city within five years.
“If our members are as impressed as we are with the hospitality, convention facilities, hotels, restaurants, and entertainment as well as overall experience at our meeting, I anticipate they will strongly consider bringing their own association meetings to these cities,” Graham said.
ASAE last held its meeting in Chicago in 2007, which had the highest attendance of association executives.
In 2019, it will be the first time Columbus, Ohio, has ever hosted an ASAE Annual Meeting & Exposition.
This year's meeting is on tap Aug. 13-16 in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Las Vegas last hosted the meeting in 1969. ASAE will be returning to both Dallas and Atlanta 9 years after they hosted the 2012 and 2013 meeting, respectively.

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