IAEE Unveils 20 Under 30 Honorees to Be Recognized at Expo! Expo! 2017

The International Association of Exhibitions and Events has selected this year’s honorees of its 20 Under 30 recognition program, which gives young professional exhibitions and events organizer members the opportunity to experience Expo! Expo! IAEE’s Annual Meeting & Exhibition, on tap Nov. 28-30 in San Antonio, Texas.
IAEE believes that by recognizing and elevating these young leaders, the evolution and distinction of the exhibitions and events industry will be fostered around the globe, according to association officials.
In addition to receiving a complimentary full registration to Expo! Expo! and lodging for three nights, honorees will be recognized throughout the annual meeting and formally at the Nov. 30 IAEE Annual Networking Luncheon and Awards Presentation.
“IAEE’s 20 Under 30 program provides a great opportunity to young professionals who may not be able to attend Expo! Expo! otherwise,” said IAEE Executive Vice President and COO Cathy Breden, CMP, CAE.
She added, “Likewise, it allows us to nurture YPs with resources they can apply to keep our industry strong as they become future leaders. It is definitely a two-way relationship that benefits both sides.”
The 20 Under 30 program provides selected honorees with not only industry and leadership education for professional growth in the exhibitions and events industry, but also lifelong connections with fellow honorees and attendees.
The following individuals were selected as this year’s 20 Under 30 honorees:
Abby Abdala
Manager, Partner Solutions
ASIS International
Luis Alvarez
Digital Fulfillment Coordinator
Informa Exhibitions US
Ian Blackwood
Customer Service and Logistics
Taffy Event Strategies
Christopher Bonifati
Attendee Services Coordinator
American Pet Products Association (APPA)
Trevor Borie, CVEP
Administrative Coordinator
M. A. R. Association & Meeting Management
Laura Bott
Event Coordinator
Bethany Burchill
Meetings & Exhibits Coordinator
American Counseling Association (ACA)
Gabrielle Chiddy
Marketing Strategist
United States Institute for Theater Technology, Inc. (USITT)
Taylor Dudley
Operations Manager
Emerald Expositions
Corinne Dwyer
Global Events Specialist
Professional Retail Store Maintenance Association (PRSM)
Brittany Faust
Project Coordinator – Exhibitions & Events
Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM)
Alison Heathcote
Exhibits Coordinator
Hospitality Financial Technology Professionals (HFTP)
Brittany Jackson
Senior Coordinator
Samantha Lohse
Project Manager
National Business Aviation Association (NBAA)
Chandra Major
Conference Coordinator
Emerald Expositions
Ronika Nash
Convention Coordinator
Texas Association of School Boards (TASB)
Meaghan Rhame, CMP
Events and Programs Coordinator
Texas Computer Education Association (TCEA)
Brian Rhinehart, CEM
Exhibits Coordinator
True Value Company
Ashley Secondini
Marketing Manager
Questex LLC
Christen Tye
Associate Education Manager
Informa Exhibitions – World of Concrete
Click HERE for complete details about Expo! Expo! IAEE’s Annual Meeting & Exhibition.

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