ICSC New York National Deal Making Conference, TRA Marketplace Overall Winners at 2016 TSNN Awards

More than 100 show organizers, their guests, as well as even more trade show suppliers and association executives all took part in the 2016 TSNN Awards, Oct. 28-30 un Atlantic City, with ICSC New York National Deal Making Conference and TRA Marketplace winning overall fastest-growing awards for net square footage and attendance, respectively.
“I have an amazing, fabulous, wonderful team,” said Andrea Bahr, vice president Exposition and Events - Texas Restaurant Association/TRA Marketplace, when she accepted the award for overall fastest-growing show in attendance at the gala celebration Saturday night at Harrah’s Waterfront Conference Center.
She added, “You have no idea what this means. Thank you so much.”
Check out VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS from CNTV of the 2016 TSNN Awards Gala Celebration!
The International Council of Shopping Centers’ New York National Deal Making Conference was a winner the second year in the row for overall fastest-growing show for net square footage.
Other winners included Pennwell’s Hydrovision International for fastest-growing for-profit show in attendance and Informa Exhibition’s SupplySide West for fastest-growing for-profit show in net square footage.
“We obviously could not have done this without all the people who help us build the show,” said Hydrovision’s Jared Auld.
Also celebrated during the gala celebration were The Expo Group’s Show Manager of the Year Awards, with five show organizers being chosen for different-sized shows.
David Heilbrunn, show manager of the Coffee Fest, and also a two-time SMOTY winner, and dedicated his award to his father-in-law, who founded the company.
After an exciting social media voting campaign, five “Best of Show” nominees were narrowed down to one winner – Emerald Exposition’s ASD Market Week.
“We’re pretty excited about this,” said Karalynn Sprouse, Emerald executive vice president. “ASD is the biggest, as we think the best, show in the Emerald portfolio.”
Also being celebrated from Emerald, was the 2016 TSNN Awards Industry Icon Honoree David Loechner, who is the company’s president and CEO.
After watching a video that included his family, colleagues from his past who gave him a start in the trade show business, current employees and other business associates all congratulating him, Loechner took the stage and acknowledged all of them for supporting him in where he is today.
The three-day celebration kicked off Friday night with a Roaring 20’s opening party at the legendary Palm Restaurant.
Here is a fun VIDEO CLIP from CNTV taking in the sights and sounds from that night.
The next morning started with the 2016 TSNN Awards conference at the Atlantic City Convention Center.
The first session featured a frank discussion from the exhibitor’s perspective, led by EXHIBITOR Group’s Randal Acker and three platinum-level exhibit marketers.
A few topics discussed included third-party audits that detailed who attended the show, with Dana Tilghman, senior trade show and events planner, CTSM – Minitab, saying, “It helps us figure out what size of booth and overall spend to do at the show.”
Another topic discussed was who owned leads captured in booths, it seems the jury still is out on that one, as well as the importance of giving leads back to the exhibitors in a timely manner after the show.
“Help your exhibitor be more successful,” Acker said.
Next up was a panel that focused on trade show event technology trends led by Experient’s Jeff Fugate.
“It’s real analytics in real time and real data we can tell exhibitors,” said National Retail Federation’s Mark Bodgansky of beacons that were employed at the National Retail Federation's BIG Show.
Fugate also told the audience, “If you are not personalizing the message, you are losing out with attendees.”
The third panel featured the current chairs of IAEE, Julia Smith, and SISO, Tony Calanca, talking on the “State of the Industry”.
Calanca said, “I have never seen such optimism and anxiety among trade show organizers.”
Some of that anxiety is around the upcoming election and the unknown about who either candidate would impact the trade show business.
Smith talked about the new safety and security initiative launched collectively by IAEE, Exhibition Services & Contractors Association and International Association of Venue Managers that will give venues the opportunity to be certified in established best practices to make shows as safe as possible.
Ron Jaworksi, who spent 17 years in the NFL and another 26 as an ESPN Analyst, was the luncheon keynote and regaled the room with stories about his time in the league and his seven principles to success, which included “You must like people”, “Be sincere” and “Develop relationships”.
He added, “I business you have moments all the time where you need to trust the people around you.”
Check out VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS from CNTV of the TSNN Awards Education Conference!
Following the gala celebration at a closing brunch the next morning, TSNN Awards’ attendees had the opportunity to hear Miss America Savvy Shields talk about the 48 days she has spent so far in her new role wearing the crown. “I still can’t believe it!” she said.
The 2016 TSNN Awards would not be possible without the amazing support of our SPONSORS.
Stay tuned for where the awards will be headed next year!

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