International Western/English Apparel & Equipment Markets Moving to Dallas Market Center

Beginning in January of 2021, the Western & English Sales Association (WESA) will be relocating its International Western/English Apparel & Equipment Markets to the Dallas Market Center.
Known as the producer of the world’s largest trade events for the equestrian industry, the biannual event is moving from Denver Mart in Denver, Colorado, a venue it had called home for decades.
To be held each January and August, the WESA Markets in Dallas will be the largest global showcase of western and English resources as well as the global marketing headquarters for many of the largest western brands.
The events will feature more than 800 manufacturers in Western and English apparel and fashion accessories, footwear, headwear and hats, tack, equipment, workwear and safety-wear and are expected to attract thousands of retail decision-makers to Dallas, including WESA’s loyal retail customers, major stores, independent western retailers, apparel stores, gift shops, e-commerce and other retailers seeking new products.
“After extensive conversations and with a shared mission of supporting the industry, we are working with Dallas Market Center in order to create new opportunities for sales representatives, manufacturers and market attendees,” explained Gerald Adame, president of WESA, which was founded in 1921 and now boasts more than 1,000 members.
He continued, “The central location, the Dallas facilities, the services and the marketing support will all help WESA members serve existing customers and offer the ability to reach more new customers. Working together, I am confident that we will deliver unmatched value, inspiration and commerce.”
Founded in 1957, the DMC welcomes more than 200,000 buyers annually to its 5 million square foot campus and offers retailers premium access to manufacturers of products ranging from western and rural lifestyle, to home furnishings, gifts, decorative accessories and lighting, to textiles, fashion accessories and men’s, women’s and children’s apparel.
According to DMC President and CEO, Cindy Morris, the DMC and WESA will partner in creating an enhanced market experience in order to create better business opportunities for buyers and sellers alike.
“For retailers from around the world, we will work to deliver an inspiring market with a fresh mix of best-selling western brands and new products across more categories,” Morris said. “For leading western and English manufacturers and sales representatives, we will provide first-rate facilities and services, and we will help deliver loyal and new buyers to expand their sales opportunities.”
She continued, “For the entire community, this represents a shared dedication to making a change in order to help support business in a highly competitive environment. Collaborating with WESA is a tremendous opportunity to work with an organization that serves its members with a passionate commitment to helping them succeed.”
The International Western/English Apparel & Equipment Market will be located on the World Trade Center 11thand 12thfloors, which will undergo an extensive update to accommodate the shows and temporary exhibitors, while permanent showrooms for western manufacturers desiring a controlled environment will be located on the 14thfloor.
So far, feedback about the move from WESA members has been positive.
“We believe the partnership between WESA and the Dallas Market Center represents a terrific opportunity for our retail partners,” said Beth Cross, CEO of Ariat International. “Dallas Market Center is a world-class facility and is committed to attracting new brands to the western market.”
Many manufacturers said they were excited about the WESA-DMC alliance and welcomed the opportunity to showcase their products in a dynamic environment that could help them expand their businesses.
“The move to Dallas will reinvigorate the show in the numbers of attendance,” said Blake Sylvester from Central Saddle & Tack in Oklahoma.
He continued, “The people that have heard about this move are excited – it’ll be easier getting in and out (and) you don’t have to be worried about the weather and any snow storms. I think that it’s going to be a great thing…and cost-effective.”
WESA Markets are regarded as the single-sourcing entity for more than 2,500 product lines, drawing in more than 7,000 retailers each year. The association also serves as an information and education source for retailers and exhibitors via Market seminars and demonstrations.
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