Meetings Mean Business Coalition Taps Hyatt’s Trina Camacho-London as Next Co-Chair

The Meetings Mean Business Coalition has chosen Trina Camacho-London, vice president of Global Group Sales at Hyatt Hotels, as its next co-chair.
Camacho-London will join Julie Coker Graham, president and CEO of the Philadelphia Convention & Visitors Bureau, in leading MMBC, which comprises more than 60 organizations from across the meetings and travel industry that work to advocate the value that business meetings, conferences, conventions, trade shows, exhibitions and incentive travel bring to people, businesses and communities.
“Trina is a long-time member of MMBC who exemplifies our mission and values,” said Coker Graham. “She knows firsthand the value of meetings to the associations that design them and to the local communities that host them.”
She continued, “With her industry knowledge, collaborative approach to leadership and influence among key decision makers both in the U.S. and in countries around the world, Trina will help advance the work of MMBC and ensure that we continue showing how the benefits of conventions ripple beyond the walls of every meeting space.”
Camacho-London brings more than 25 years of experience in corporate sales at Hyatt to her new role and like Coker Graham, has risen through the ranks at her company and continues to be recognized for her talent and positive contributions to the industry.
Under the stewardship of Coker Graham and Camacho-London, MMBC will ramp up efforts to engage leaders outside of the meetings and travel industry as well as recruit third-party advocates as champions for the industry’s value. This will include growing participation in Global Meetings Industry Day, which was observed in 41 countries across six continents earlier this year.
“I’m thrilled to partner with Julie and build on the success of past MMBC co-chairs,” Camacho-London said. “The coalition has made significant strides in building an infrastructure for proactive communications and advocacy while keeping harmful legislation at bay."
She added, “As an industry, we are better positioned to withstand a potential threat because of MMBC.”
On Jan. 1, Camacho-London will assume the leadership position currently held by Meeting Professionals International President and CEO Paul Van Deventer, who has co-chaired the coalition since Jan. 1, 2017.
Camacho-London currently is working closely with Van Deventer and Coker Graham to advance the strategy and direction of MMBC.
“As a coalition, we have a lot to be proud of,” said Larry Luteran, executive vice president and CSO at Encore Event Technologies.
He continued, “By promoting the tangible benefits of face-to-face meetings, we’re helping to change the conversation among industry professionals, business leaders, government officials and journalists to focus on the contributions our industry makes to people, businesses and the economy. I look forward to what’s next for MMBC and working with our co-chairs to expand efforts year-over-year.”
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