IAEE’s Expo! Expo! Sessions Touch on Data-driven Engagement, Financial Investments and More

Data-driven engagement was a hot topic at last week’s International Association of Exhibitions’ Expo! Expo! Annual Meeting & Exhibition 2015 in Baltimore.
The 2,500-plus attendees knew to be at this year’s show to learn the latest on this topic, as well as many others. With record-breaking numbers, on both the attendee and exhibitor fronts, the right note was hit for this conference.
Exhibitor Michael Younder from Panvista was happy to see data tied into the keynote. “Clearly, good use of data, as well as engagement that is unobtrusive but relevant, are on the minds of many attendees.”
He added, “We believe in good data, and even better analytics, and many of the conversations at the show are reflecting that focus.”
Ryan Brown of National Trade Productions Show and Brian Casey of Center for Exhibition Industry Research co-presented on data best practices to a packed room.
And surprisingly, many of the lecture attendees admitted to having limited understanding of their data.
In another session, speaker and financial advisor Manisha Thakor provided a two-part session on our concept of wealth, financial health and investing, particularly geared towards women.
One startling fact: women face a mathematical headwind, with earning 78 cents to the dollar, on average, compared to men, and being out of the workforce for 11 years, on average, during their career lifetime for family obligations (not to mention the fact that women also tend to live longer, so need more money for retirement).
The record-breaking numbers at the three-day event were not only with attendance, but also on the showfloor.
First-time attendee Cendy Chou from Conference Managers was able to attend since the conference was in her backyard.
“I was very excited to be able to drive in for the day to attend,” she said. “There is a good mix of people at the show, in terms of demographics, industries and job title, which has allowed for some great networking.”
Exhibitor James Mitchell from Summit Videos said he was pleasantly surprised with both the attendance numbers and quality of leads.
“We have seen steady traffic of those attendees wanting to learn more about our product. We have also provided education around the concept of developing video footage for exhibitors, right in their booth,” he said. “Attendees are asking great questions and are looking for new ways to use technology to get their message out.”
Expo! Expo! 2016 will take place Dec. 6-8 at the Anaheim Convention Center.

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