International Association of Exhibitions and Events Finalizes 2017–2025 Strategic Plan

The International Association of Exhibitions and Events unveiled a new direction for the association after intense board level discussions and approval of a new strategic plan through 2025.
“IAEE’s redefined direction is based on two years of strategic planning with the board of directors and a futurist asking tough questions on what the association and the industry can and should look like in the future and how to remain relevant to our stakeholders,” said IAEE president and CEO, David DuBois, CMP, CAE, FASAE, CTA.
The strategic plan looks ahead to 2025 and focuses on three pillars:
Advocacy: Advocacy plays an integral role in the relevance of the association both from an internal (industry and membership perspective) and external (business markets, main stream media, governments) perspective by communicating the value and primacy of face-to-face events to key audience segments and better positioning the exhibitions and events industry to be ready to respond to issues that may impact the industry. Additional activities include continued support of safety and security initiatives with other industry organizations, increasing engagement in Exhibitions Day and supporting Global Exhibitions Day.
Learning: IAEE will provide specific learning that is relevant, personalized, timely, and innovative through chapter-driven interactive engagement opportunities that foster peer to peer learning; personalized learning experiences that tie in with IAEE’s career pathing initiative; and future adaptive learning methodology as part of the educational delivery design of IAEE learning to assist in growing into new markets.
Exhibition Industry Marketplaces: IAEE will provide stakeholders a technologically advanced experience in all aspects of marketplaces including enhancements for various niche groups such as Chapter Members, Career Development/Focused, Young Professionals, Women in the Industry, Students and Faculty, Major American Trade Show Organizers (MATSO) and Consumer Show Professionals as well as further position Expo! Expo! as the face-to-face resource for the ever-changing trade show environment.
“To ensure that IAEE continues to be the leading association for the exhibitions and events industry, the IAEE board not only looked at how the association will transform in the coming years, but also how the collective industry is transforming,” said IAEE chairperson of the board and senior vice president of Exhibitions, Conferences, and Sales with the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA), Ryan Strowger, CEM.
He added, “I am proud of the significant effort and time that the board and staff committed to this plan and am encouraged about the direction IAEE is heading,” added Strowger.

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