Smart Parking, Intelligent Building to the Fore at Shanghai Intelligent Building Technology 2018

The 12th edition of Shanghai Intelligent Building Technology (SIBT) opens its gates from 3 – 5 September 2018 at Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC). Held concurrently with Shanghai Smart Home Technology (SSHT), the fairs will welcome a total of 250 exhibitors to present the latest smart home and building innovations. Big data, cloud platforms, and for the first time, an integrated smart parking fair, will all be exhibited across the fairground.
With the support of one of the co-organisers, the Intelligent Engineering Branch of China Exploration and Design Association (CEEDI), a total of 250 exhibitors will occupy a record 23,000 sqm of exhibition space.
Lucia Wong, Deputy General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (Shanghai) Co Ltd, commented: “With the rapid development of IoT and big data, plus with the considerable support of the Chinese government, the smart building is no longer just a future trend or concept. As advances in integrating IoT into buildings continue to accelerate, the quality of living and efficiency in these buildings will also improve. Additionally, a number of seminars throughout the concurrent event programme will highlight the technology and solutions that are creating a stir in the market right now. We hope the fair will act as another important step for this booming industry.ˮ
As an important smart building technology industry platform in the East China region, SIBT continues to be a leading indicator for current and future market trends at home and abroad. Together with SSHT, the fairs will gather well-known brands from China and overseas including: Legrand, KNX, EnOcean, Dahua, Anjubao, Aurine, ALCATEL, Ave Leen, Star-net, HDL, DeskMedia, Dnake, Systec, Mantusci, Wistar, Shidian, A-OK, A&R, Wintom, Shuncom.
Parking China and the Smart Industry Solutions Shanghai seminars announce future trends
Over the years, SIBT has been acknowledged by industry players for its organisation of high-end seminars as well as demonstrations of the latest products.
Held concurrently with the building technology fairs for the first time this edition is Parking China. Co-organised with the Shanghai Parking Service Trade Association, the fair‘s seminar programme will focus on the fields of smart parking and its development.
A number of industry experts and representatives from leading enterprises share insights about their innovative technologies.
Additionally, the Smart Industry Solutions Shanghai (SISS) seminar programme will gather industry professionals from all disciplines of Industry 4.0. New concepts and technology impacting on industry and manufacturing such as IoT, AI and even 3D printing and robotics will be discussed.
SIBT and SSHT are organised by Guangzhou Guangya Messe Frankfurt Co Ltd, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade – Shanghai Pudong Sub-Council, and the Shanghai Hongshan Exhibition Service Co Ltd. The two fairs will be held from 3 – 5 September 2018 at Shanghai New International Expo Centre in China.
SIBT and SSHT are both headed by the biennial Light + Building event in Frankfurt, Germany. The fair will be held once every two years. The next edition will be held from 8 -13 March, 2020.
Messe Frankfurt also organises a series of light and building technology exhibitions in Asia including Guangzhou Electrical Building Technology, Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition and Shanghai International Lighting Fair. The company's light and building technology fairs also extend to markets in Argentina, India, Thailand, Russia, the UAE and other countries and regions.

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