Huntington Convention Center of Cleveland Goes Even Greener with Energy Efficiency Upgrades

The Huntington Convention Center of Cleveland and the Global Center for Health Innovation recently has completed two significant facility upgrades geared toward improving energy efficiency and enhancing its exhibitor services.
Late last year, the facility replaced 140 metal-halide light bulbs in its truck loading dock with LED technology bulbs as well as installed a permanent pneumatic air distribution system (compressed air) in the utilidor beneath the exhibit hall floor.
“These facility upgrades were aimed at increasing energy efficiency and lowering operating costs, providing a valuable service to convention and trade show exhibitors and attendees, and improving the building’s sustainability efforts,” explained Ron King, general manager of the HCCC and Global Center.
By using only 45 watts of energy compared to the 150-watts the metal-halide bulbs once used, the LED lighting will now significantly reduce the facility’s power usage and maintenance without a loss of illumination throughout the 20-deck truck loading dock.
The LED bulb replacement project also qualifies for a 24-month energy rebate program through local utility companies.
“The costs associated with changing to LED lighting from metal-halide will be paid for in less than a year as the new technology allows the facility to save energy and dramatically reduce the high maintenance costs associated with replacing burned out lamps,” King said.
He added, “The LED bulbs will also provide significant anticipated annual future savings in maintenance and utility costs.”
Meanwhile, the HCC’s operations staff teamed up with the engineering team at Richard L. Bowen and Associates and facility partner, Edlen Electric, to install two Ingersoll Rand pneumatic air distribution systems in the utilidor under the floor surface of the facility’s exhibit halls.
The new air compressors allow the system to maintain a pressure of 125 psi (pounds per square inch), providing pneumatic air service to convention and trade show exhibit hall booths throughout the building’s three exhibit halls.
“For the past four years, many clients have requested and utilized compressed air in their respective trade show booths for a variety of purposes,” said Steve Mariakis, Edlen general manager.
He continued, “While our team was able to provide this service by using portable air compressors, the new installation allows the facility to provide enhanced and expanded compressed air service to exhibitors throughout the exhibit half floor.”
Earlier last year, the LEED Gold-certified HCC and Global Center signed on as a partner with the Cleveland 2030 District, a movement to create high-performance building districts throughout Greater Cleveland focused on dramatically reducing the environmental impacts of building construction and operations by reducing energy consumption.

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