Malaysia International Trade & Exhibition Center Partners with Ungerboeck

The Malaysia International Trade & Exhibition Center (MITEC) embarked on a move to delivering a whole new level of convenience with the recently launched Event Management and Coordination platform beyond what spreadsheets could offer.
Powered by Ungerboeck, the software for venues offers a full-featured purpose-built Customer Relationship Management (CRM), sales, event and financial system to streamline, simplify and enhance the overall client experience by creating a centralized location for all event documentation.
Mala Dorasamy, director of Marketing and Sales who is also the project manager, said the digital solution demonstrates the Venue’s ongoing commitment to client-centricity in ensuring their needs are met from initial contact, booking confirmation, event planning stage through to its completion.
“The cloud-based platform provides the dynamic flexibility to allow us to move quicker, track information better, and save our team members valuable time from having to manage large volumes of paperwork as checking for availability, booking of spaces and other tasks can now be accomplished easily from anywhere,” Dorasamy said.
Fred Lazzerini, managing director of Ungerboeck, Asia-Pacific, celebrated the launch of MITEC’s Ungerboeck for Venues platform: “We are proud to partner with
MITEC, providing the technology that will allow this world-class facility to deliver a truly exceptional experience for its clients.
“As a state-of-the-art facility, MITEC has a forward-thinking, agile team that embraces the convenience and enhanced level of engagement that Ungerboeck’s digital platforms provide.
We look forward to working with MITEC into the future to introduce even more functionality as the Venue’s needs evolve,” Lazzerini said.
Gunther Beissel, CEO said MITEC opted for Ungerboeck’s cutting-edge event and venue management software as it is a fully-loaded, end-to-end system with extreme flexibility to personalize and customize the software to the Venue’s needs including integration with payment gateway and online service order which will be upgraded at a later stage.
“We are constantly looking for ways to create new experiences and develop our innovative client value proposition to ensure the best possible service for our clients and the client-facing portions of the software is one of the ways to a seamless and paperless communication,” he added.
MITEC aims to roll out the Exhibitor Service Centre by the end of the year which will allow clients to complete applications, manage document, submit orders for Venue’s services including audio visual, stand catering, resources and make payments from the comfort of their office.

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