Meetings Mean Business Ramps Up Advocacy Efforts Ahead of Midterm Elections

The Meetings Mean Business Coalition (MMBC) is working to reinforce the value of face-to-face meetings by reframing its Worth Meeting About campaign during the 2018 midterm election cycle.
Continuing the success of the campaign, the coalition will highlight numerous ways that candidates rely on face-to-face meetings to connect with constituents as well as inform, persuade and recruit supporters, including talking to voters one-on-one, participating in town hall discussions, canvassing neighborhoods, hosting fundraising events or participating in onstage debates with their political opponents.
“As in 2016, we will use the Worth Meeting About campaign to remind government leaders that they, too, leverage the power of face-to-face interactions to do their jobs effectively,” said Paul Van Deventer, president and CEO of Meeting Professionals International and co-chair of MMBC, an industry-wide coalition that showcases the incredible value that business meetings, trade shows, incentive travel, exhibitions, conferences and conventions bring to people, businesses and communities.
He added, “Our goal is to reach those who influence our industry and create policies that allow us to contribute in positive ways to businesses and the economy.”
According to a recent report by Oxford Economics, the meetings industry supports 5.9 million jobs and contributes hundreds of billions of dollars to the nation’s economy, while in 2016 alone, meetings contributed $446 billion in U.S. GDP, generating $104 billion in federal, state and local taxes and saving approximately $879 per U.S. household.
For those industry advocates interested in getting involved, MMBC has put together new resources on its website, including advocacy action items that can be carried out in just 30 seconds or less.
“As all eyes turn toward the elections, we are calling on industry professionals and supporters from the broader business community to lend their voices to the Worth Meeting About campaign,” said Julie Coker Graham, MMBC co-chair and president and CEO of Philadelphia Convention & Visitors Bureau.
She continued, “Together, we will send the message that face-to-face has been at the crux of America’s elections since the nation’s founding. Although technology has shaped how candidates campaign for elected office, the value of face-to-face cannot be underestimated when it comes to the people and issues that will shape our country’s future.”
To learn more about the Meetings Mean Business and Worth Meeting About campaigns, go HERE.
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