Balou App Helps Exhibitors Ramp Up Booth Traffic and Lead Generation at Events

For smaller exhibiting companies with limited marketing budgets, investing large amounts of money on flashy, high-end booths to maximize foot traffic and generate meaningful leads can be a big, if not impossible challenge. That’s where event technology can help even the playing field on the trade showfloor.
Enter the Balou App, a mobile marketing solution for exhibitors seeking to enhance their booth presence and increase foot traffic by promoting their giveaways, samples, raffles or contests to a wider event audience, all in one convenient place.
“I have attended over 50 conferences in the past five years, and during that time I was shocked to see the amount of amazing prizes and giveaways given out by exhibitors that did not get the desired traction due to attendee unawareness,” said Adrien Cirou, founder and CEO of Balou.
He continued, “A tool like Balou can not only bridge the awareness gap between attendees and exhibitors by allowing them to showcase their giveaways but also offer a simple and effective attendee engagement tool for [show] organizers to utilize. Let’s be honest, who doesn’t love free stuff?”
To access a list of giveaways that exhibiting companies are offering at a specific event, attendees simply download the free Balou app and easily find, track and save the swag items they are most interested in.
If an app user “hearts” a raffle prize that has a drawing time and date attached to it, a push notification automatically reminds the attendee of the time and place of the drawing.
Meanwhile, Balou’s user-friendly portal allows exhibitors to enter prize descriptions and details of how to win the items at upcoming events, as well as manage their swag and view post-event analytics.
“Balou provides an excellent and easy-to-use tool for exhibitors to market their conference presence directly to attendees to increase booth traffic and generate additional leads,” Cirou said. “Another great feature is that it doesn’t need to be another stand-alone app but can be integrated to an existing mobile platform.”
Exhibiting companies are charged a per-use fee for each event and can list as many giveaways as they wish on the app, which is licensed by the show organizer and then offered to exhibitors to use.
“Balou is such an elegant solution to getting the word out about what booths are giving away,” said Nick Borelli, president and strategist of Borelli Strategies. “The (user experience) is clean and intuitive enough to bring instant value to even the broadest of consumer-facing events.”
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