Experts & Opinions

Feb 13, 2014
Like them or not, figure skater Johnny Weir’s dramatic outfits at the Sochi 2014 Olympics stand out. This authentic representation of Johnny gives us some insight into Johnny the person and sets him apart from the typical network blazer-wearing sports commentator. It also elevates his memorability factor way off the charts. This same technique can be applied to help differentiate your company and your exhibit from the competition on the trade show floor. We challenge you: pick something unique about your company or its culture and integrate it into your display. It takes guts, but as… more
Feb 08, 2014
Create a Positive Impact on the Planet, Your Brand and Your Target Market The takeaways you give out at a trade show may seem like a nice gesture to your customers and a token of your appreciation, but these items can speak volumes about your company as they increase your brand awareness and recognition. When you incorporate eco-friendly elements into your promotional items for marketing at trade shows, you can create a valuable product that will have a positive impact on the planet, your brand and your target market. Reusable Promotional Items Offer an Amazing ROI A reusable product is a… more
Feb 07, 2014
Are you an influencer? This is an important question because the world of work has changed. Managers must deal with matrixed organizations, flatter management structures, outsourcing, and virtual teams – sometimes all at once. In this world, the command and-control leadership approach often leads to frustration for both leaders and followers. Leaders are just not prepared to get things done without formal authority. Personal influence, the action or process of producing effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of another or others, is a key leadership skill – and one… more
Jan 31, 2014
One of the top three reasons people attend conferences and trade shows is to network. People want to get together with their peers and exchange ideas, make connections, find help, and sometimes even find a new job. Organizers tend to see this networking need as fulfilled just because they bring thousands of people together in one place. They stick attendees in a convention center or hotel and say, “There you go, now network.” The problem is even if you consider yourself an expert networker, it’s hard to find the right people to spark up conversations that help you achieve… more
Jan 31, 2014
More than 108 million people tuned in to last year’s Super Bowl. With so many eyes on the big event, careful planning of each and every detail begins years in advance. This year’s game is going to be great. The commercials will be extraordinary, the teams are talented, and for the first time ever, the Super Bowl is being played in an outdoor stadium. Sunday’s forecast calls for frigid temperatures and we all know with complicated weather comes every event planner’s nightmare… and the need for a good back up plan. If plan B must be used, then so be it, the best… more
Jan 28, 2014
Later this week, Super Bowl XLVIII will be played for the first time in a cold-weather outdoor location. There is a lot of speculation about the prep needed for the players, the stadium, and the half-time show given the chance for cold and snow. Even if you aren’t a sports fan and just watch for the commercials or the halftime show, in reality the Super Bowl is just like any other corporate event we plan. And there are insights into event trends to be learned. Reaching a Bigger Audience The cheapest Super Bowl ticket has a face value of $500, reaching all the way up to over $1M for a… more
Jan 25, 2014
Do you and your employees dread working at trade shows?  You are not the only ones that feel this way, since there is no doubt that working a trade show event can be tiring and draining both physically and mentally. Chances are your staff does not know what to expect and may feel out of their element.  Tradeshows require long days mixed with lots of small talk with anyone and everyone.  You want your team to stay upbeat, positive, and on their toes throughout the event to ensure you are getting the best ROI but just how will you or your team stay that way? Consider the… more
Jan 25, 2014
I recently read some interesting data on Statistics Brain about New Year’s Resolutions.  By one month, almost half have failed their resolution, and only 8 percent actually maintain and achieve their resolution.  I am going to give you a new one, whether or not you have made a resolution (and nearly 40 percent of us don’t even bother with one):  align your promotional item with your event marketing strategy in 2014. Now, you may wonder why I am asking you to do this.  How about for these reasons: Your promotional item is often the first thing, and always the… more
Jan 18, 2014
I’m not a fan of resolutions … Why? I never keep them! Each year, I type a list and hang it in places I’ll have to look at every day. It’s very motivating for the first few months until my resolutions become a daily reminder of how I can never keep them … And they get ripped down. This year, I decided to forget accomplishing XYZ by the end of 2014; why not just set goals that I want to meet? Realistic goals satisfy my competitive nature and eliminate the hovering resolution cloud that haunts me and makes me feel defeated. Personally, a few of my goals for the… more
Jan 10, 2014
Every year, one of the industry meetings I really look forward to going to is the Professional Convention Management Association’s Convening Leaders annual event, which runs Jan. 11-14 this week in Boston. There are several reasons why I am REALLY excited about this year’s event: 1.       It’s in Boston. I absolutely LOVE Boston, and I haven’t been there in a few years. It’s a fantastic city in every way, but I especially love the people, history and Boston has some great convention center venues and hotels. 2.   … more
Partner Voices
Overview: The award-winning Orange County Convention Center (OCCC) goes the extra mile to make every day extraordinary by offering customer service excellence and industry-leading partnerships. From their dedicated in-house Rigging team to their robust Exhibitor Services, The Center of Hospitality brings your imagination to life by helping you host unforgettable meetings and events. With more than 2 million square feet of exhibit space, world-class services and a dream destination, we are committed to making even the most ambitious conventions a reality. In October 2023, the Orange County Board of County Commissioners voted to approve allocating Tourist Development Tax funding for the $560 million Phase 5A completion of the OCCC. The Convention Way Grand Concourse project will include enhancements to the North-South Building, featuring an additional 60,000 square feet of meeting space, an 80,000- square-foot ballroom and new entry to the North-South Building along Convention Way. “We are thrilled to begin work on completing our North-South Building which will allow us to meet the growing needs of our clients,” said OCCC Executive Director Mark Tester. “As an economic driver for the community, this project will provide the Center with connectivity and meeting space to host more events and continue to infuse the local economy with new money and expanding business opportunities.” Amenities: The Center of Hospitality goes above and beyond by offering world-class customer service and industry-leading partnerships. From the largest convention center Wi-Fi network to custom LAN/WAN design, the Center takes pride in enhancing exhibitor and customer experience.  The OCCC is the exclusive provider of electricity (24-hour power at no additional cost), aerial rigging and lighting, water, natural gas and propane, compressed air, and cable TV services. Convenience The Center is at the epicenter of the destination, with an abundance of hotels, restaurants, and attractions within walking distance. Pedestrian bridges connect both buildings to more than 5,200 rooms and is within a 15-minute drive from the Orlando International Airport. The convenience of the location goes hand-in-hand with top notch service to help meet an event’s every need. Gold Key Members The OCCC’s Gold Key Members represent the best of the best when it comes to exceptional service and exclusive benefits for clients, exhibitors and guests. The Center’s Gold Key memberships with Universal Orlando Resort, SeaWorld Orlando and Walt Disney World greatly enhance meeting planner and attendee experiences offering world-renowned venues, immersive experiences and creative resources for their events. OCCC Events: This fiscal year, the OCCC is projected to host 168 events, 1.7 million attendees, and $2.9 billion in economic impact.  The Center’s top five events during their 2022-2023 fiscal year included:  AAU Jr. National Volleyball Championships 2023 200,000 Attendees $257 Million in Economic Impact MEGACON 2023 160,000 Attendees $205 Million in Economic Impact Open Championship Series 2023 69,500 Attendees $89 Million in Economic Impact Sunshine Classic 2023 42,000 Attendees $54 Million in Economic Impact Premiere Orlando 2023 42,000 Attendees $108 Million in Economic Impact